Monday, September 10, 2007

That Fat Man

We were made by that Fat Man. We don't know who made the Fat Man, but it isnt important, because we dont know. You have to understand that, first. It happened before us, before we were ever here. ANd that old Fat Man told us everything we need to know about BEFORE us, and he didn't tell us that, so it ain't important.

The Fat Man was walking on the earth, among the wood people and the stone people and the Dragons who owned the sky and the islands. He was a happy man, and maybe he was a little bit stupid, too, because he didn't know not to eat too much of the berries and the Bison, and he got fat. In fact, he got so fat that he sat down at he mouth of the Aullee river and never moved again. ANd the river brought him food, the nosefish and the candlefish and the occasional Bison that got too close to him getting a drink, adn he was still happy, and he got fatter and fatter. And as he sat and ate, he sang. Now, the Fat Man didnt have a language, like you and me, so he just made up sounds as he sat, so he could sing. When he saw the white clouds, he made a sound, and that was his sound for cloud, forever. Because the Fat Man never forgot anything. He had so many different sounds for things, that when he sang, he sang stories about the things he saw.

That old fat man made us. We dont know how, but we do know why. That fat man was sitting under the dark black stormy sky, one day, and he named the thunder, and as he sang his name for the thunder, the thunder rang out, and it sounded marvelous, the two sounds together, his name for the thunder and the thunder, and he fell in love with that sound. That old Fat Man could not ever make that sound alone. The Fat Man was upset about it for a while, but he thought about it. Why can't you sing a harmony with yourself? And if there is only one of you, like there was of him, why is there such a thing as a harmony?

So the Fat Man made us. And at first, he made just one of us, First Man. And maybe the fat man wasnt so stupid, even tho he ate himself fat, because he figured that if he had to have somebody to sing harmony with him, maybe everybody needed somebody to sing harmony. So he made First Woman, and discovered three part harmony, and then first Man and first Woman made First Kid, and they ALL sang harmony to the Fat Man. and each of them had a different voice, and the Fat Man loved it.

The Fat Man made us to sing harmony with him him. And that, my boy, is why you are alive. To sing harmony with the Fat Man as he sings his songs. Can you hear them, boy? Can you hear the Fat Man's songs? You got to listen real good. I have been listening all my life, and I been here 50 winters, and I only just heard them recently. Now I gotta figure out how to make a beutiful harmony with him. And that is why I am telling you about the Fat Man. You are my harmony.

But remember about Fat Man, boy. Don't eat too much.

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